
Women had an important role, as members of the people equal to men as well as mothers who gave birth to nation’s generation. Women were the pole of the country. If they were good, the country was good. If they were bad, then so was the country.

That was the point said by the General Secretary of the Constitutional Court (MK), Janedjri M. Gaffar, when opening a Constitutional Awareness Education for Aisyiyah and Qoran Recital Groups Goodwill Meeting Forum [Forum Silaturahmi Antar Pengajian (Forsap)] management board, in Jakarta, Friday (28/3). The statement was delivered by Janedjri in relation to the role of Aisyiyah women that had directly educated and empowered people through mass organization even before Indonesian independence.

At that opportunity, Janedjri also said that the amendment of UUD 1945 was the consequence of the demands to realize the idea of reformation. Yet the changes would not give any impacts if it was not carried out together by all nation’s components. In order to do that, the correct and whole understanding of 1945 Constitution was needed so that it became the guidelines and principles in nation’s and country’s life. ”By doing that, the 1945 Constitution will be a living constitution,” said Janedjri .

Janedjri also reminded that every citizen was bound to the basic rule which was also the general agreement of the entire Indonesian citizens. The agreement put in the 1945 Constitution contained promises and ideals used as guidelines for country’s and state’s living.”Because of that, the 1945 Constitution is the uniting power for all Indonesian citizens with various tribes, languages, races and religions,” he added.

Constitutional Court Appreciation
Meanwhile Head of Central Management of Aisyiyag, Dr. Hj. Masyitoh, M.Ag., in her opening speech delivered her greatest appreciation to the Constitutional Court on the believe to Aisyiyah by holding the event. According to Masyitoh, this event was very strategic and needed to carry out considering the Constitutional Court was a new institution so its roles and functions needed to be deepened by each citizen, including Aisyiyah women.

”If women have an understanding of their constitutional rights and obligations also an understanding of the Constitutional Court roles and functions, it will be useful for protecting women’s constitutional rights,” added Head of women’s wing of a big religious organization in Indonesia.

The Constitutional Awareness Education event was held by the Constitutional Court as a part of  improving the constitutional awareness culture process. The three-day event was joined by Aisyiyah and Forsap management throughout Indonesia. It is expected that, after the return to each area, women’s social activist could help spreading the knowledge they had  to the people.[] ardli/Yogi Djatnika



Sunday, March 30, 2008 | 19:52 WIB 258